Renovation contractor delays project to work on another project. What to do? Can I get a stay order on the other project?

849 Views  •  Asked 11 Years Ago
asked on Sep 6, 2012 at 20:59
edited on May 31, 2016 at 07:06
Is there any law against renovation contractor that doesn't complete the project, runs away with the money or delays the project since he has new commitments elsewhere?

I'm having this situation whereby I have engaged a local bumiputra company to do some major renovation to my house. After some thorough negotiation we engaged in a binding contract between both of us (not endorsed or stamped).

At first the progress was extremely fast and he keeps asking for advances not realizing I have paid out 101% of the agreed price. Due to my work nature I traveled, this guys took the opportunity to engage new clients abandoning my house for 1 complete month. When I contacted him, he told me his staffs had ran away and he can't continue for the time being. After some serious shouts and warning he started some work back on the house with 2 person which was only for 1 day, than back to his routine of no show. Lately after I threaten with legal implication, his old staff started to appear again. After some talk to his staff they told me they was assigned to another project for the month I was away.

This contractor is serving his last month as per contract, I want to know if I can get a stay order on his other projects so that he must complete my house by end of month or get back the balance 30% back from him so that I can engage another contractor.

The house is about 70% near completion at the moment and I'm having monetary issue completing the house if I engage another contractor. I have check around, most of the people are having this issues. Lots of forums speak about it but no solution.

Please lead us.
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