Refund for London Olympic's Tickets

562 Views  •  Asked 11 Years Ago
asked on Sep 20, 2012 at 14:24
Dear Readers,

I need help and advice as I have purchased two tickets to watch Tennis in the London Olympic which was held in August 2012. I bought the ticket from a wesbite, it is a well known ticketing website (Company based in Norway) which sells tickets for many events. The ticket cost me around RM7000. After making the payment, they promised to deliver the tickets to me in Kuala Lumpur two weeks before my departure to London.

Apparently, two weeks before my departure, they contacted me & mentioned that they have to cancel the tickets which I have purchased as the tickets has been cancelled by the Olympic committe. I have all the evidence of e-mails which I have exchanged with them. The promised that they will refund my money back to me.

After I came back from London, I tried calling them many times but they did not answer my call, did not reply my e-mails and their website has also shutdown. Now there is no ways for me to contact them.

Can anyone help, where can I complain or what shall I do to get back my refund for the tickets which I have purchased?

Thank you.
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