Travel Agency Problem

588 Views  •  Asked 11 Years Ago
asked on Mar 21, 2013 at 17:47
To whom it may concern,

Greetings!I bought a ticket from Amar Travel and Tours going to New Zealand and a return ticket coming back in Malaysia.Unfortunately,because of unavoidable circumstances I wasn't able to fly on the day of my flight.So I went right away to the agency to rebooked my ticket but the saleslady suggested to refund which I agreed.I patiently waited for 3 months to get back the refund and it was supposed to be last January.Now,its almost five months and I haven't heard anything yet.I was so disappointed with the staffs who are attending me as they don't give answer to my emails and everyday I heard the same thing.Two weeks ago I went to the agency and they said the check is ready but I have to wait for another 3 days.Its 2 weeks now and everyday I'm calling them but I heard the same thing.Either the staff is not around or On-leave.I was able to talk with the lady handling it yesterday but she just kept on telling me it's been bank-in.But where?its not in my account yet until now.Anyone who can relate with my problem please help me.I need a legal advice regarding this matter cause I have a feeling that they are taking me for granted.
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