Fatherless Child Malaysian Citizenship

558 Views  •  Asked 12 Years Ago
asked on Sep 27, 2011 at 05:07
I have this enquiry that has been recently running through my mind and I would like to know more about it.

Let's say there's this single Malaysian lady with a Malaysian citizenship who is currently abroad and gotten herself pregnant with a baby from a sperm donation overseas (not Singapore) because she wishes to have a child (since Malaysia does not have sperm donations for now) but she isn't married. The child is then born in that coutry. Will the child of that lady be able to get a Malaysian citizenship even though he/she does not have a father? Would it make a difference if the child was born in Malaysia?

I have read that if the child is born overseas from a Malaysian mother, the child is allowed to get a citizenship under certain circumstances, which includes having a Malaysian or foreign father but they don't specify further if it is necessary for the child to have a father.

I hope I can get a clearer view for this matter as I am very curious about it.
Thank you in advance.
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