can blacklisted go oversea??

757 Views  •  Asked 15 Years Ago
asked on Jul 30, 2008 at 01:46
can blacklisted person go travel oversea?
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1 Answers
answered on Jul 30, 2008 at 14:27
Normally, blacklisted's passports are not impounded
by the law unless there is a court order to do so.
As far as I know, bankrupts' passports are impounded
by the Official Assignee(OA)of the Insolvency Dept.
Eventhough impounded, permission can be obtained
through the OA to travel overseas for specific
reasons like medical treatment, working overseas,
training program or sports. It all depends on the OA.

Passports are also impounded by the Income Tax Dept
if you fail to pay tax after many warnings eventhough
you are not a bankrupt. Also certain serious court cases
like murder crimes, robbery, rape or money laundering -
the court can order the defendants' passports to be
surrendered pending the outcome of the trial.
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