Car Park - Accesory parcel maybe applied for

549 Views  •  Asked 11 Years Ago
asked on Dec 7, 2012 at 15:58
Based on our current experience, we do not wish to proceed with the application for the accesory parcel for the car park and will maintain them under the control of the Management Corporation. The unit owners will still be entitled to their allotted car park(s) as per the SPA with the exception of the separate accessory title.

The Title will be applied and issued under common area and henceforth comes under the ambit of the Management Corporation. The unit owners will not be deprived of their car park(s) as they were allotted accordingly during the keys handover.

In view thereof, we are seeking legal opinion as to our obligation on whether we are legally obligated to apply and deliver the car park as an accessory title to the unit owners as we do not intend to do so for administrative and monitoring purposes.

Kindly advise and any legal opinions are very much appreciated.

Thank you.
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